Thursday, March 6, 2008

Horse Meat


"How do you like horse, as a friend or as a steak?
Don't put horse on your dinner plate. "

I thought my friends in Kentucky might like this bill board in the train station.

While in Paris, I can literally say, "I'm so hungry that I could eat a horse!"

I wonder what other kinds of meats they eat? Perhaps we should be more careful with the mystery meats that we get from street vendors in France!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Is that Paris, Kentucky you are referring to below?

Chances are you have not eaten horse in France .... even from a mystery meat vendor on the street. There are cheaper alternatives than Cheval (Horse). It would be rare to find horse on the menu at a restaurant in France. Other interesting meats the French will eat more readily than horse is lamb, goat, rabbit, dove (or quail or pigeon), and carp.

Horse is view as a cheap (and to many ... disgusting) alternative red meat. You can readily find it, a whole section of it in the supermarkets. As far as causing a fuss in Kentucky ... many Kentucky horse farmers can tell you all about it. Up until about ten years ago, they had a lucrative outlet for selling their live stock. They shipped horses to butcher houses in North Carolina who would in turn air freight the meat to Europe. Now, as these same farmers can tell you, ... they have to export the live horse to Canada where they are slaughtered and shipped to Europe.

Now, if you frequent many street vendors or kabob shops in the Latin Quarter (or elsewhere), you have most certainly eaten: intestine, stomach, liver, kidney, heart, lung, brains and even eyes.

Feel better?