Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Back again...

I got back to Paris yesterday. Niels, Richard, Mark, and Mark's son Peter roamed around town, trying to stay awake until a reasonable bedtime. The highlight of the afternoon was the Picasso museum. For dinner, we actually ate French food not just French fries. And, it was pretty good. Regardless of everything I'm getting to see and do, the novelty has just about warn off. I'd rather be home with my family.
It looks like we will have a pretty busy work schedule this week and next. Our consultants apparently have finally gotten some deliverables complete that we can test. Business during the last two trips was rather slow. It was beginning to make me wonder if the work would ever really get anything done. I would rather work hard and get this stuff done by June than to keep up this intense travel for several additional months. Either way, there are some other related North American projects on the horizon that might pull some of us off of the global work. So, if I am lucky, I might not have to be here very often starting in summer.

The following photo is taken from my hotel window. I am on the highway side of the building. But, it's still very quiet. I have two windows each has two glass panels seperated by a foot of air. The two office buildings on the right belong to my company but are still under construction. We are working in a building just on the other side. The walk to the office is just a few blocks and probably only takes five minutes.

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