Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Yuck! Andouillette Sausage!

I have arrived in Paris. This time, I am staying for three weeks. I'm now determined to do low-carb even while abroad. Today, in the office cafeteria, I carefully selected a low-carb meal consisting of a large salad, green & yellow wax beans, and two plump sausages. The sausages looked like good 'ol German brats. But, when I cut into one, it crumbled into a pile of greasy, gristly chunks. I didn't know that andouillette sausage was made of pig stomachs and colons. I ate two bites and couldn't handle any more of it. I simply ate my beans and salad while trying not to breath the sausage's feces aroma. Yes, that's right, it literally smells like shit. I suppose this is because it is made out of intestines. I only hope that the two bites I ate doesn' t make me sick. Apparently this dish is very popular in France and considered a local specialty. Lesson learned: don't eat sausage in France!

1 comment:

Daron said...

I have to say that Andouille sausage in Louisiana is excellent. But it tastes totally different than it does in France.