Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Workshop in Huntington, Indiana

Today, I'm in Huntington, Indiana. This morning, my co-workers, who were staying at a different hotel, spent 40 minutes driving through the snow on the one mile trip from their hotel to work. I'm not sure why it took them so long but they say that they got stuck twice.

On this trip, I'm travelling with Enrique from Mexico, Srineva from India (living in Chicago), Rohit from India, and Anoukone from Indiana. We wrapped up our workshop in the afternoon. Enrique had never seen snow before so we thought it'd be nice to take him sledding. We ran to the local General Dollar store and bought 5 sleds... Yes Indiana is pretty flat, but there is one big hill in a park in the center of town....

It's a shame that Enrique, the Mexican, has missed out on so many happy youthful days playing in the snow... but, I guess at 28 he's still not too old to have a little fun.

After sledding, Anoukon brushed us off to avoid excess snow in the rental car...

After sledding, we went out for dinner at a Chinese buffet followed by drinks at the local buffalo wing place....

Srineva, our consultant is 25 but has never let alcohol touch his lips. We delighted in corrupting him. This is a picture of his first time ever drinking alcohol.

So, all in all po-dunk Huntington has turned out to be a really fund trip. I guess it doesn't really matter where you go if you make your own fun!

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